The William Van O'Connor Library

Creative Writing Master's Theses 2001


Jazmin Aminian De Ferreccio, M.A. 2001 

     Thesis: Understory & Other Collected Fiction

     Thesis Committee: Clarence Major, Pam Houston, Jack Hicks

Angela Michelle Garcia, M.A. 2001        

     Thesis: Belly Unfinished (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Alan Williamson, Sandra McPherson, Sandra Gilbert

Eric Gudas, M.A. 2001 

     Thesis: Daylight Savings (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Alan Williamson, Sandra McPherson, Gary Snyder

Jamie Murray, M.A. 2001   

     Thesis: The Pictures Prove It (not currently shelved in O'Connor)

     Thesis Committee: Pam Houston, Jack Hicks, David Robertson

Yosefa Raz, M.A. 2001          

     Thesis: In Exchange For a Homeland (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Sandra McPherson, Alan Williamson, Gary Snyder     

Renee Ruiz, M.A. 2001       

     Thesis: Cruise Control (not currently shelved in O'Connor)

     Thesis Committee: Clarence Major, Pam Houston, Loius Owens 

Shawna Lee Ryan, M.A. 2001 

     Thesis: Locke 1928 (Novel)

     Thesis Committee: Pam Houston, Clarence Major

Caryn Scotto D'Luzia, M.A. 2001

     Thesis: Net (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Sandra McPherson, Gary Snyder, Alan Williamson

Nicole Simonsen, M.A. 2001           

     Thesis: True Memory (not currently shelved in O'Connor)

     Thesis Committee: Pam Houston, Louis Owens, Patricia Moran

Hector Villicana, M.A. 2001     

     Thesis: I'd Believe the World Was I (not currently shelved in O'Connor)

     Thesis Committee: Sandra McPherson, Alan Williamson, Sandra Gilbert         

Patricia Marie Welze, M.A. 2001    

     Thesis: The Snow Queen (Novel)

     Thesis Committee: Louis Owens, Pam Houston, Blake Stimson          

Lani Wolf, M.A. 2001 

     Thesis: Hello, Jesus. Can I Buy You a Drink? Part I and Three Stories: "The Word Never"; "Helium Balloon"; "Spell Rose" (Fiction)

     Thesis Committee: Lynn Freed, Louis Owens, Clarence Major


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