The William Van O'Connor Library

Creative Writing Master's Theses 2002


Azin Arefi-Anbarani, M.A. 2002

     Thesis: Stories in Pictures (Short stories)

     Thesis Committee: Lynn Freed, Pam Houston, Michael Hoffman

Alexandra Hilary Gordon, M.A. 2002        

     Thesis: A Rough Laughter Between Ridges (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Sandra McPherson, Sandra Gilbert, Michael Hoffman

Elizabeth Ann Hunkins, M.A. 2002 

     Thesis: Broken Tongues (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Sandra McPherson, Sandra Gilbert, Gary Snyder                                     

Diana Rotert Koga, M.A. 2002   

     Thesis: Patterns of Intricate Desire: A Collection of Short Stories 

     Thesis Committee: Pam Houston, Jack Hicks, David Robertson

Kyhl David Lyndgaard, M.A. 2002          

     Thesis: Whatever Comes Next (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Lynn Freed, Pam Houston, Clarence Major 

Mark Edward Pearson, M.A. 2002 

     Thesis: Circling Over Ithaca: Stories

     Thesis Committee: Pam Houston, Louis Owens, Clarence Major

Katherine Elaine Redding, M.A. 2002       

     Thesis: Dusting Places (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Alan Williamson, Sandra McPherson, Gary Snyder

Abby Rotstein, M.A. 2002

     Thesis: Almost the Real Thing: Stories and Essays (Essays/Short stories)

     Thesis Committee: Pam Houston, Lynn Freed, Michael Hoffman

Christopher Phillip Spradley, M.A. 2002           

     Thesis: The First Thing about Pain and Other Stories (Short stories)

     Thesis Committee: Pam Houston, David Robertson, Donna Reed

Spring Melody Warren, M.A. 2002     

     Thesis: Miracle of the Natural World (Novel)

     Thesis Committee: Pam Houston, Louis Owens, Jack Hicks


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