The William Van O'Connor Library
Doctoral Dissertations
Poonam Sachdev, Ph.D. 2008
Dissertation: The 'Gypsy' As Muse and Metaphor: Modernity, Mobility and a People's Struggle for Subjectivity
Dissertation Committee: Neil Larsen (dir), Georges Van den Abbeele, Gayatri Gopinath, Elizabeth Freeman
Nelson Christian Sager, Ph.D. 1974
Dissertation: The Crisis of Identity in the Anglo-Indian Fiction of Rudyard Kipling
Disseration Committee: Michael Hoffman (dir), Peter Hays, Alan Stambusky
Rebecca Sammel, Ph.D. 1995
Dissertation: Irreverence and Authority: A Study of Medieval Parody in Latin and Middle English (not currently shelved in O'Connor Library)
Dissertation Committee: James Murphy (dir), Traill, Caron Cioffi
David Roland Sanderson, Ph.D. 1969
Dissertation: English Prose of the Romantic Age: The Matter of Style
Dissertation Committee: John Hayden (dir), Elliot Gilbert, Robert Hopkins
Stephanie L. Sarver, Ph.D. 1996
Dissertation: Uneven Land: Nature and Agriculture in American Writing
Dissertation Committee: David Robertson (dir), David Van Leer, Margit Stange, James Marois
Kirsten Teresa Saxton, Ph.D. 1996
Dissertation: Deadly Plots: Narratives of Women and Murder in Augustan England
Dissertation Committee: Sandra Gilbert (dir), Kari Lokke, Alessa Johns
Karen Schaafsma, Ph.D. 1990
Dissertation: Beyond the Between: The Paradoxical Journey of Fantasy Literature
Dissertation Committee: Thomas Hanzo (dir), David Robertson, Roland Holrmann
Alice Marie Scharper, Ph.D. 1997
Dissertation: The Golden Thread: Younghill Kang and the Origins of Korean American Literature
Dissertation Committee: Michael Kramer (dir), David Van Leer, Clarence Major
Katrina Kathleen Schimmoeller, Ph.D. 1998
Dissertation: Humor in the House: Wendell Berry, Rachel Carson, Edward Abbey, and Louise Erdrich
Dissertation Committee: David Robertson (dir), Linda Morris, Gary Snyder
Jodi Rene Schorb, Ph.D. 2006
Dissertation: From Sodomy to Indian Death: Sexuality, Race, and Structures of Feeling in Early American Execution Narratives (not currently shelved in O'Connor Library)
Dissertation Committee: David Van Leer (dir), Elizabeth Freeman, Linda Morris
Marilyn Merritt Schwartz, Ph.D. 1976
Dissertation: From Beat to Beatific: Religious Ideas in the Writings of Kerouac, Ginsberg, and Corso
Disseration Committee: Brom Weber (dir), Michael Hoffman, Karl Shapiro
Niklaus Rudolf Schweizer, Ph.D. 1968
Dissertation: The Ut pictura poesis Controversy in Eighteenth-Century England and Germany
Dissertation Committee: Gwendolyn Needham (dir), Linda Van Norden, Edward Honig
Gerda Ree Segall Seaman, Ph.D. 1974
Dissertation: The Equivocal Satire of Thomas Nashe
Disseration Committee: Elliot Gilbert (dir), Diane Johnson Murray, Michael Hoffman
Julie Christine Sears, Ph.D. 2004
Dissertation: Discursive Deviance and the Politics of Perversity in the Novels of Kathy Acker
Dissertation Committee: Patricia Moran (dir), Elizabeth Freeman, Gayatri Gopinath
Eric Paul Shaffer, Ph.D. 1991
Dissertation: All Come To This: The Life and Works of Lew Welch in the Context of the Twentieth Century
Dissertation Committee: David Robertson (dir), Alan Williamson, Gary Snyder
Cheryl Ann Shell, Ph.D. 2001
Dissertation: "A Peasant Stand Up Thus": Forms of Lower Class Resistance in Shakespeare's Plays
Dissertation Committee: Richard Levin (dir), Margaret Ferguson, Winfried Schleiner
Elaine Cottler Showalter, Ph.D. 1970
Dissertation: Double Standard: Criticism of Women Writers in England, 1845-1880
Dissertation Committee: Gwendolyn Needham (dir), Robert Wiggins, Elliot Gilbert
Don W. Sieker, Ph.D. 1975
Dissertation: Henry Fielding as Playwright: A Study of Relationships between Comic Drama and Moral Purpose
Disseration Committee: Robert Hopkins (dir), Joan Carr, Robert Fahrner
Alan J. Silva, Ph.D. 1993
Dissertation: Rituals of Empowerment: Politics and Rhetoric in the Puritan Election Sermon
Dissertation Committee: David Van Leer (dir), Michael Kramer, Margit Stange
Scott Allan Simmon, Ph.D. 1979
Dissertation: The Ulysses Tradition: Open and Closed Form in the Novels of James Joyce, William Gaddis, and Thoman Pynchon
Disseration Committee: Michael Hoffman (dir), Peter Hays, Jack Hicks
Eric Smith, Ph.D. 1999
Dissertation: Dwelling in Impermanence: Identity, Change, and Literature of Place (not currently shelved in O'Connor Library)
Dissertation Committee: David Robertson (dir), Gary Snyder, Jack Hicks
Jeffrey Ross Smith, Ph.D. 2007
Dissertation: Hazardous Reconstitutions: Imitation and the Production of the Self in Late Nineteenth-Century American Fiction
Dissertation Committee: Linda Morrs (dir), Elizabeth Freeman, Karl Zender
Thomas Smyth, Ph.D. 2001
Dissertation: Expatriate Identity and the Modernist Metropolis (not currently shelved in O'Connor Library)
Dissertation Committee: Michael Hoffman (dir), Peter Hays, Patricia Moran
Stewart Speakman, Ph.D. 1972
Dissertation: Wit, Humor, and Sensibility in Evelina, Belinda and Northanger Abbey
Disseration Committee: Gwedolyn Needham (dir), Robert Hopkins
Edgar Larry Squires, Ph.D. 1966
Dissertation: The Necessity for Self-awakening in the Scientific Romances and Early Social Novels of H. G. Wells
Disseration Committee: Thomas Hanzo (dir), William Van O'Connor
Carole Schauls Stahlkopf, Ph.D. 1973
Dissertation: Rhetoric and Comic Technique in Richard Brinsley Sheridan's The Rivals and The School for Scandal
Disseration Committee: Gwendolyn Needham (dir), Robert Fahrner, Elizabeth Homann
Michael James Steffes, Ph.D. 1995
Dissertation: Bitter Arcadia: The Old European Wild in Sidney, Spenser, and Shakespeare
Dissertation Committee: Winfried Schleiner (dir), Richard Levin, Gary Snyder
John Albert Stenzel, Ph.D. 1990
Dissertation: Shakespeare's Comedies of Awareness: Scenic Structure, Multiple Perspective and Characterization
Dissertation Committee: Richard Levin (dir), Winfreid Schleiner, Robert Sarlos
Peter Stansfield Stephenson, Ph.D. 1969
Dissertation: Three Playwright-Novelists: The Contribution of Dramatic Techniques to Restoration and Early Eighteenth-century Prose Fiction
Disseration Committee: Gwendolyn Needham (dir), Linda Van Norden, Robert Hopkins
Andrew Strombeck, Ph.D. 2003
Dissertation: None Dare Call It Masculinity: The Subject of Post-Kennedy Conspiracy Theory (not currently shelved in O'Connor Library)
Dissertation Committee: David Simpson (dir), Richardson, Raley (UCSB), Michael Hoffman
Kella De Castro Svetich, Ph.D. 2005
Dissertation: Flesh and Blood: Colonial Trauma and Abjection in Contemporary Filipino American Fiction
Dissertation Committee: Karen Shimakawa (dir), Michael Hoffman, Patricia Moran, Richard Kim
Doctoral Dissertation Collection Dissertations & Master's Theses
Collections & Catalogues History Using the Library O'Connor Library English Department UC Davis