The William Van O'Connor Library

Creative Writing Master's Theses


Erica Scheidt, M.A. 2008                  

     Thesis: Uses for Boys: a Novel and Stories

     Thesis Committee: Pam Houston, Lynn Freed, Lucy Corin

Mixa Schell, M.A. 1984        

     Thesis: Dream Lover (Short stories)

     Thesis Committee: Elliot Gilbert, Linda Morris, William Baker

Janine Louise Schenone, M.A. 1987     

     Thesis: Improvisations (Novel)

     Thesis Committee: Karl Zender, Jack Hicks, Alan Williamson

Samantha Tanit Schoech, M.A. 1996 

     Thesis: Reservations Required (Novel)

     Thesis Committee: Clarence Major, Katherine Vaz, Jack Hicks

Joanne Hjelstrom Schoefer, M.A. 1991      

     Thesis: Maritime Weather (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Alan Williamson, Clarence Major, Sandra McPherson

Mark Henry Schoofs, M.A. 1984     

     Thesis: This Must Be What I Wanted To Be Doing (Short stories)

     Thesis Committee: William Baker, Elliot Gilbert, Peter Hays       

Naomi Schwartz , M.A. 1985      

     Thesis: Night Moves (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Alan Williamson, Sandra Gilbert, Elliot Gilbert

Adam Scott, M.A. 2006                 

     Thesis: The Somnambulist and Other Stories (Fiction)

     Thesis Committee: Pam Houston, Lucy Corin, Joe Wenderoth

Caryn Scotto D'Luzia, M.A. 2001

     Thesis: Net (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Sandra McPherson, Gary Snyder, Alan Williamson

Scott Reid Serkes, M.A. 1985               

     Thesis: Off The Diving Board (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Sandra Gilbert, Karl Shapiro, Alan Williamson

Karen Ora Shapiro, M.A. 1981        

     Thesis: Romances, Perfections and Truths (Short stories)

     Thesis Committee: Diane Johnson Murray, Michael Hoffman, Elliot Gilbert

Michael Marc Shapiro, M.A. 1992    

     Thesis: First Instar Poems (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Max Byrd, William Baker, Clarence Major

Wendy Sheanin, M.A. 2000     

     Thesis: Circle Dance (Short stories)

     Thesis Committee: Max Byrd, Clarence Major, Anne Fleischmann          

Laurence Michael Sherman, M.A. 1988     

     Thesis: The Stone's Story (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Alan Williamson, Gary Snyder, David Robertson

Matthew J. Silady, M.A. 2005                  

     Thesis: Five Ways to Kill a Butterfly (Fiction)

     Thesis Committee: Pam Houston, Lucy Corin, Joe Wenderoth

Nicole Simonsen, M.A. 2001           

     Thesis: True Memory (not currently shelved in O'Connor)

     Thesis Committee: Pam Houston, Louis Owens, Patricia Moran

Chris Sindt, M.A. 1994    

     Thesis: Seeing White (not currently shelved in O'Connor)

     Thesis Committee: Sandra McPherson, Sandra Gilbert, Alan Williamson

Cynthia Anne Slates, M.A. 1999

     Thesis: Selah (Novel)

     Thesis Committee: Katherine Vaz, Luis Hernandez-Avila, Clarence Major

Hokeun Song, M.A. 1995       

     Thesis: We Will Travel (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Sandra McPherson, Alan Williamson, Gary Snyder             

Ashima Sood, M.A. 2007                  

     Thesis: India Gate: Stories and a Novella (Fiction)

     Thesis Committee: Lynn Freed, Pam Houston, Lucy Corin

Lisa Sperber, M.A. 2000    

     Thesis: What Happens to Horses at Night (not currently shelved in O'Connor)

     Thesis Committee: Alan Williamson, Sandra McPherson, Gary Snyder             

Christopher Phillip Spradley, M.A. 2002           

     Thesis: The First Thing about Pain and Other Stories (Short stories)

     Thesis Committee: Pam Houston, David Robertson, Donna Reed

Kristin Steege, M.A. 1992    

     Thesis: The Heart of the Hiding (not currently shelved in O'Connor)

     Thesis Committee: Alan Williamson, Sandra McPherson, Sandra Gilbert

Melissa S. Stein, M.A. 1996            

     Thesis: Through It Like Water (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Sandra McPherson, Sandra Gilbert, Gary Snyder

Melvin Sterne, M.A. 2003                  

     Thesis: The Number You Have Reached (Short stories)

     Thesis Committee: Clarence Major, Pam Houston, Jack Hicks

Joan Maureen Stockbridge, M.A. 1988       

     Thesis: A Dream of Fruitfulness (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Gary Snyder, Sandra McPherson, Alan Williamson

Monica Lita Storss, M.A. 2008                 

     Thesis: Women's Work (Fiction)

     Thesis Committee: Joshua Clover, Sandra McPherson, Joe Wenderoth

Stephen Stralka, M.A. 1998     

     Thesis: As Long as I'm Rich: Short Stories

     Thesis Committee: Clarence Major, Max Byrd, Jack Hicks           

Carola Strassburg, M.A. 2006                  

     Thesis: A Small, Impenetrable Universe (Fiction)

     Thesis Committee: Lynn Freed, Pam Houston, Lucy Corin

Buddy Arlin Struble, M.A. 2005                  

     Thesis: Landscape With Figures (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Joe Wenderoth, Alan Williamson, Sandra McPherson, Joshua Clover

Cora Stryker, M.A. 2007                  

     Thesis: So-Called Science (Fiction)

     Thesis Committee: Lynn Freed, Pam Houston, Lucy Corin

Katherine Viola Swoboda, M.A. 2004                  

     Thesis: La Vida Nueva (Fiction)

     Thesis Committee: Lynn Freed, Pam Houston, Sandra Gilbert


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