The William Van O'Connor Library

Creative Writing Master's Theses


Timothy Ernest Palethorpe, M.A. 1987     

     Thesis: Sins Of The Son (Novel)

     Thesis Committee: Jack Hicks, Max Byrd, Peter Hays

Sarah-Hope Parmeter, M.A. 1985                

     Thesis: Naming the Angels (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Karl Shapiro, Marijane Osborn, Sandra Gilbert

Mark Edward Pearson, M.A. 2002 

     Thesis: Circling Over Ithaca: Stories

     Thesis Committee: Pam Houston, Louis Owens, Clarence Major

Masin Persina, M.A. 2008                  

     Thesis: Suction (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Alan Williamson, Joshua Clover, Sandra McPherson

Jill Phillips, M.A. 1998 

     Thesis: Line of Green Hands (not currently shelved in O'Connor)

     Thesis Committee: Sandra McPherson, Alan Williamson, Gary Snyder

Stuart Edwin Pierce, M.A. 1987       

     Thesis: A Black Sheep and Other Stories (Short stories)

     Thesis Committee: William Baker, Jack Hicks, Diane Johnson

Lynn Marie Pieski, M.A. 1992

     Thesis: The Momentum of Beauty (Short stories)

     Thesis Committee: Elizabeth Tallent, Clarence Major, Alan Williamson

Charles L. Post, M.A. 1988       

     Thesis: The Suits We Dress Our Hearts In (Novel)

     Thesis Committee: Max Byrd, Jack Hicks, William Baker


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