The William Van O'Connor Library
Lannan Video Catalogue
An asterisk (*) following the name of the author indicates that the artist is also featured in the video Where Poems Come From, filed under the letter "W."
Olds, Sharon (1991)
* Author: Sharon Olds
* Interviewer: Lewis MacAdams
* Producers and Directors: Lewis MacAdams and John Dorr
Metropolitan Pictures and EZTV
* Running time: 60 minutes
From the video jacket: "Sharon Olds is the author of more than four books of poetry. Whether her subject be family life or political events, she writes in a style noted for its lyrical grace, exactness of description, and emotional honesty. Her first book, Satan Says, received the inaugural San Francisco Poetry Center Award, and her second book, The Dead and the Living, won a National Book Critics Circle Award. Ms. Olds read from The Gold Cell, The Dead and the Living, and from work in progress on April 8, 1991, in Los Angeles. She was interviewed by poet Lewis MacAdams."
Ondaatje, Michael (1997)
* Author: Michael Ondaatje
* Interviewer: Caryl Phillips
* Director: Dan Griggs/Media Revolution
* Running time: 60 minutes
From the video jacket:
"Michael Ondaatje, born in Sri Lanka [. . . ] in 1943, is a novelist, poet, and playwright. He received the Booker Prize for his novel The English Patient. Mr. Ondaatje read from new poems, The Cinnamon Peeler, The English Patient, In the Skin of a Lion, and Running in the Family on December 17, 1996.
"Caryl Phillips is the author of six novels, including The Nature of Blood, Crossing the River, Cambridge, and Higher Ground. Mr. Phillips received a Lannan Literary Award for Fiction."
Collections & Catalogues History Using the Library O'Connor Library English Department UC Davis