The William Van O'Connor Library

Doctoral Dissertations


Marit Johann MacArthur, Ph.D. 2005         

     Dissertation: Abandoning the House: Landscape Meditation in 20th Century American Poetry (not currently shelved in O'Connor Library)

     Dissertation Committee: Alan Williamson (dir), Sandra Gilbert, David Simpson

Tiffany Aldrich MacBain, Ph.D. 2004                                 

     Dissertation: Impurely White: Representations of Racial Contact in Nineteenth-Century American Literature (not currently shelved in O'Connor Library)

     Dissertation Committee: Linda Morris (dir), Elizabeth Freeman, Turner, Owens

David William Madden, Ph.D. 1980

     Dissertation: Versions of the Thing: The Extended Parody in the Contemporary American Novel

     Dissertation Committee: Jack Hicks (dir), Michael Hoffman, Peter Hays

Anthony Rudolph Magagna, Ph.D. 2008

     Dissertation: Placing The West: Landscape, Literature, and Identity in the American West

     Disseration Committee: Jack Hicks (dir), Alan Williamson, Louis Warren

Andrew J. Majeske, Ph.D. 2003                       

     Dissertation: Equity in English Renaissance Literature: Thomas More's Utopia and Edmund Spenser's The Faerie Queene

     Dissertation Committee: Margaret Ferguson (dir), Winfried Schleiner, Peterman

Constance Wootten Malloy, Ph.D. 1988

     Dissertation: Becoming a Heroine Quietly: The Life and Work of Barbara Pym

     Dissertation Committee: Diane Johnson (dir), Carolyn Burke, Robert Hopkins   

James Elliott Marlow, Ph.D. 1972

     Dissertation: A Rhetorical and Thematic Analysis of Charles Dickens's Our Mutual Friend

     Disseration Committee: Gwendolyn Needham (dir), Elliot Gilbert, Elizabeth Homann

Max Henry Massey, Ph.D. 1972

     Dissertation:  Charles Stuart Calverley, Poet and Parodist

     Dissertation Committee: Diane Johnson Murray (dir), William Baker, Robert Wiggins

Reid Norris Maynard, Ph.D. 1970

     Dissertation: The Writer and Experience: Ernest Hemingway's Views on the Craft of Fiction

     Dissertation Committee: Brom Weber (dir), Robert Wiggins, Peter Hays

Sean Joseph McDonnell, Ph.D. 2003                

    Dissertation: I with No Voice: Absence, Presence, and Intersubjectivity in the Poetry of W. S. Merwin

    Dissertation Committee: Alan Williamson (dir), Joanne Feit Diehl, Michael Hoffman

Nora Mahoney McGuinness, Ph.D. 1984

     Dissertation: The Creative Universe of Jack B. Yeats

     Dissertation Committee: Ruby Cohn (dir), Peter Hays, David Robertson

Alice Lee McLean, Ph.D. 2003                          

    Dissertation: Eat and Be Eaten: The Aesthetic Pleasure of M. F. K. Fisher and Elizabeth David

    Dissertation Committee: Patricia Moran (dir), Joanne Feit Diehl, Caston

Dale Metcalfe, Ph.D. 1995

     Dissertation: White Women and Indians: Lydia Maria Child Through Mary Austin

     Dissertation Committee: David Robertson (dir), Michael Kramer, Linda Morris

Robert Holt Meyer, Ph.D. 1966

     Dissertation: Seventeenth-century Contemplative Poetry: An Imitation of Mystical Experience

     Dissertation Committee:

Seymour Migdal, Ph.D. 1966

     Dissertation: The Social Novel in Victorian England

     Disseration Committee:

Greg Miller, Ph.D. 2004                                 

     Dissertation: Aspects of the Minor Deleuzian Approaches to Carolyn Chute, Peter Greenaway and Suzan-Lori Parks

     Dissertation Committee: Michael Hoffman (dir), Gail Finney, Blake Stimson

John Douglas Miller, Ph.D. 1981

     Dissertation: Wordsworth and the Concept of Simplicity

     Dissertation Committee: John Hayden (dir), William Baker, Robert Hopkins

Joseph Robert Mills, Ph.D. 1998

     Dissertation: Laughter in a Wasteland: The Satire of James Thurber, George S. Schuyler and Dawn Powell

     Dissertation Committee: Michael Hoffman (dir), Linda Morris, Gail Finney

Caitriona Moloney, Ph.D. 1994

     Dissertation: Hags, Queens, and Harlots: Women from Ancient Irish Myth in Yeats and Joyce (not currently shelved in O'Connor Library)

     Dissertation Committee: Michael Hoffman (dir), Sandra Gilbert, Tracy

Judson Taylor Monroe , Ph.D. 1971

     Dissertation: Tragedy in the Novels of the Reverend Charles Robert Maturin

     Disseration Committee: Gwendolyn Needham (dir), Elliot Gilbert, Robert Hopkins

Mary B. Moore, Ph.D. 1994

     Dissertation: "That She Might Laurel Grow": Women Sonneteers and Petrarchism--Labe, Wroth, and Millay

     Dissertation Committee: Sandra Gilbert (dir), Raymond Waddington, Dennis Dutschke

Genevieve Sanchis Morgan, Ph.D. 1996

     Dissertation: Domestic Landscapes and the Creation of the Female Artist

     Dissertation Committee: Michael Hoffman (dir), Dianne Sachko MacLeod, Patricia Moran

Mariel Karen Osborn Morison, Ph.D. 1992

     Dissertation: Chaucer's Chaste Brides: Narrative Treatment in The Canterbury Tales of Emelye, Constance, and Cecilia

     Dissertation Committee: James Murphy (dir), Naomi Janowitz, Winfried Schleiner

Linda Moser, Ph.D. 1997

     Dissertation: Chinese Prostitutes, Japanese Geishas and Working Women: Images of Race, Class and Gender in the Work of Edith Eaton/Sui Sin Far and Winnifred Eaton/Onoto Watanna (not currently shelved in O'Connor Library)

     Dissertation Committee: David Van Leer (dir), Ho, Newton

Ibrahim M. Muhawi, Ph.D. 1969

     Dissertation: A Study of Self and Other in the Novels of Aldous Huxley

     Dissertation Committee: Thomas Hanzo (dir), Peter Hays, Robert Wiggins

Patrick Dennis Murphy, Ph.D. 1986

     Dissertation: The Verse Novel: Dialogic Studies of a Modern Poetic Genre

     Dissertation Committee: Michael Hoffman (dir), Alan Williamson, Robert Torrance

Elaine Kathleen Musgrave , Ph.D. 2006

     Dissertation: Shadows of Mutiny: Englishness, Masculinity, and the 1857 Indian Uprising in the Victorian Imagination

     Disseration Committee: Catherine Robson (dir), Bishnu Ghosh, Peter Dale


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