The William Van O'Connor Library
English Department
Lannan Videos
click here to go directly to the Lannan Video Catalogue
The O'Connor Library's Lannan Video Collection, made possible through the Video Donation program of the Lannan Foundation, includes nearly 80 videos. The video series presents a broad range of contemporary writers and poets talking about and sharing their writing in fulfillment of the foundation's goal to promote creativity and the free expression of ideas. For more information about the Lannan Video Donation program, go to the Video Library section of the Lannan Foundation's website.
Lending Policy: English Department patrons may borrow Lannan videos to preview in preparation for a class and to show in a class. The videos should be returned immediately after use so that other patrons may also benefit from these resources. On the shelf below the last shelf of videos is a checkout/comment sheet packet. Please be sure to fill out a form whenever you show a video and place the form in the envelope when you are done. Thank you!
Collections & Catalogues History Using the Library O'Connor Library English Department UC Davis