The William Van O'Connor Library

Lannan Video Catalogue

An asterisk (*) following the name of the author indicates that the artist is also featured in the video Where Poems Come From, filed under the letter "W."


Lee, Li-Young (1995) (see also next entry)

        * Author:                                   Li-Young Lee

        * Interviewer:                            Shawn Wong

        * Director:                                 Dan Griggs/Media Revolution

        * Running time:                         66 minutes

From the video jacket:

"Li-Young Lee was born in Jakarta, Indonesia, of Chinese parents. In his two collections, Rose and The City in Which I Love You, Li-Young Lee explores cultural politics, desire, and loss in work that is hauntingly lyrical. He has said, 'I am the stories that I tell.' Mr. Lee, who received a Lannan Literary Award for Poetry, read from his two books of poetry and from his memoir The Winged Seed, on April 18, 1995, in Los Angeles. He was interviewed by Shawn Wong.

"Shawn Wong is a novelist, editor, and critic. He has published two works of fiction, Homebase and American Knees. Mr. Wong is coeditor of Aiiieeeee! An Anthology of Asian American Writers, The Big Aiiieeeee! An Anthology of Chinese American and Japanese American in Literature, and the Before Columbus Foundation Fiction/Poetry Anthology. He teaches at the University of Washington, Seattle."


Lee, Li-Young--Volume II (2001) (see also previous entry)

        * Author:                                   Li-Young Lee

        * Interviewer:                          Michael Silverblatt 

        * Director:                                 Thunder Road Productions

        * Running time:                         1 hour 19 minutes

From the video jacket:

"Li-Young Lee was born in 1957 in Jakarta, Indonesia, where his parents lived in exile from China. He and his family fled to the United States in 1964 from Indonesia, where his father was a political prisoner. Mr. Lee has written two books of poetry, Rose and The City in which I Love You, and a memoir, The Winged Seed. Mr. Lee, who received a Lannan Literary Award for Poetry in 1995, read on March 29, 2000."

"Michael Silverblatt is the host and producer of the literary interview program Bookworm, broadcast on public radio stations nationwide."


Levertov, Denise (1994)

        * Author:                                   Denise Levertov

        * Interviewer:                            Michael Silverblatt

        * Director:                                 Dan Griggs/Media Revolution

        * Running time:                         60 minutes

From the video jacket:

"Denise Levertov (1923-1997) was born in England and emigrated to the United States in 1948. An influential poet, essayist, editor, and teacher, Levertov addresses the nature of faith, the imperiled beauty of the natural world, love, and politics in her work. Ms. Levertov, who received a Lannan Literary Award for Poetry, read from Evening Train and unpublished work on December 7, 1993, in Los Angeles.

"Michael Silverblatt is the producer and host of the highly acclaimed 'Bookworm,' a literary interview program broadcast on public radio stations nationwide."


Levine, Philip (1989)

        * Author:                                   Philip Levine*

        * Interviewer:                            Lewis MacAdams

        * Producers and Directors:       Lewis MacAdams and John Dorr

                                                            Metropolitan Pictures and EZTV

        * Running time:                          60 minutes

From the video jacket: "Philip Levine, who received the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize, is a poet of the American working class and underclass. Philip Levine reads from his Selected Poems, Sweet Will, and A Walk with Tom Jefferson. The reading took place on June 20, 1988, in Los Angeles. Mr. Levine was interviewed by poet Lewis MacAdams."


Lopez, Barry (1992)

        * Author:                                   Barry Lopez

        * Interviewer:                            Michael Silverblatt

        * Director:                                  Dan Griggs/Media Revolution

        * Running time:                         60  minutes

From the video jacket:

"In his books Arctic Dreams, Of Wolves and Men, and Crossing Open Ground, Barry Lopez eloquently explores man's sense of his place in the natural world. Mr. Lopez received a Lannan Literary Award in 1990. He read from his essay 'Rediscovery of North America' and talked with Michael Silverblatt on October 5, 1992, in Los Angeles.

"Michael Silverblatt is the producer and host of the highly acclaimed 'Bookworm,' a literary interview program broadcast on public radio stations nationwide."


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