The William Van O'Connor Library
Creative Writing Master's Theses
Allison Hack, M.A. 2008
Thesis: A Small Wake (Poetry)
Thesis Committee: Alan Williamson, Sandra McPherson, Joe Wenderoth
Lisa Arechiga Hamilton, M.A. 1997
Thesis: The Coffee Drinker (Novel)
Thesis Committee: Jack Hicks, Katherine Vaz, Clarence Major
Lisa Catherine Harper, M.A. 1994
Thesis: Reading in the Dark (Short stories)
Thesis Committee: Clarence Major, William Baker, Elizabeth Tallent
Cynthia Ann Harris., M.A. 1984
Thesis: The Color of Distance (Poetry)
Thesis Committee: Alan Williamson, Sandra McPherson, Gary Snyder
Hogan Hayes, M.A. 2004
Thesis: Mifflin (Fiction)
Thesis Committee: Clarence Major, Pam Houston, Jack Hicks
John Thomas Hazuka, M.A. 1983
Thesis: Asylum (Novel)
Thesis Committee: Jack Hicks, Diane Johnson, William Baker
Erik Hennum, M.A. 1994
Thesis: Glass Hands (Novel)
Thesis Committee: Elizabeth Tallent, William Baker, Alan Williamson
William Thomas Heise, M.A. 1997
Thesis: The Still Life (not currently shelved in O'Connor)
Thesis Committee: Alan Williamson,Sandra McPherson, Gary Snyder
Gregory Gordon Hewett, M.A. 1983
Thesis: Measuring Past (Poetry)
Thesis Committee: Karl Shapiro, Marijane Osborne, Alan Williamson
Christopher David Ingham Hewitt, M.A. 1976
Thesis: Occasional Fire (Drama/Poetry/Short stories)
Thesis Committee: Sandra Gilbert, Elliot Gilbert, Jack Hicks
Russell Howard Holder, M.A. 1985
Thesis: Echolocation (Poetry)
Thesis Committee: Karl Shapiro, Karl Zender, Sandra Gilbert
Mary Louise Hower, M.A. 1985
Thesis: The Flat Land (Poetry)
Thesis Committee: Alan Williamson, Karl Shapiro, Sandra Gilbert
Samantha Brooke Hudson, M.A. 2008
Thesis: Reprieve and Other Stories (Fiction)
Thesis Committee: Pam Houston, Lynn Freed, Lucy Corin
Elizabeth Ann Hunkins, M.A. 2002
Thesis: Broken Tongues (Poetry)
Thesis Committee: Sandra McPherson, Sandra Gilbert, Gary Snyder
Keitha Elisabeth Hunter, M.A. 1983
Thesis: A Certain Sum of Days (Poetry)
Thesis Committee: Karl Shapiro, John Hayden, Elliot Gilbert
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