The William Van O'Connor Library
Lannan Video Catalogue
An asterisk (*) following the name of the author indicates that the artist is also featured in the video Where Poems Come From, filed under the letter "W."
Cardenal, Ernesto (1991)
Interviewer & Translation
Reader: Ruben Martinez
Edward Asner
Producers and Directors: Lewis MacAdams
and John Dorr Metropolitan
Pictures and EZTV
time: 60 minutes
From the video jacket: "Ernesto Cardenal is an ordained Catholic priest, a revolutionary, and an acclaimed poet who champions the spiritual and intellectual values of the Nicaraguan people. On January 29, 1991, Ernesto Cardenal read in Spanish from Cantico Cosmico, his masterful 600-page poem. The English translations were read by actor Edward Asner and poet Ruben Martinez, who also interviewed Ernesto Cardenal."
Carruth, Hayden (1994)
Author: Hayden Carruth
Interviewer: Michael Silverblatt
Director: Dan Griggs/Media
time: 60 minutes
From the video jacket:
"Hayden Carruth is a distinguished poet, essayist, and editor. He has been described as both a people's poet, who writes about our common welfare, and also a poet's poet, 'a virtuoso of form from the sonnet to free verse, from medieval metrics to jazz ones.'--The Nation Mr. Carruth read from his Collected Shorter Poems, 1946-1991, which received a National Book Critics Circle Award, on November 9, 1993, in Los Angeles. He talked about his poetry with Michael Silverblatt.
"Michael Silverblatt is the producer and host of the highly acclaimed 'Bookworm,' a literary interview program broadcast on public radio stations nationwide."
Cisneros, Sandra (1997)
Author: Sandra Cisneros
Interviewer: Dorothy Allison
Director: Dan Griggs/Media
60 minutes
From the video jacket:
"Sandra Cisneros, the author of The House on Mango Street and Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories, is a poet and fiction writer. Self[-]described as a 'terrorist,' [an] 'anarchist,' and a 'Chicana feminist,' she has said, 'I'm trying to write stories that haven't been told. I feel like a cartographer. I'm determined to fill a literary void.' Ms. Cisneros, who received a Lannan Literary Award for Fiction, read the story 'Eleven' and from work in progress on October 8, 1996.
"Dorothy Allison is a poet, novelist, and essayist, whose books include Cavedweller and Bastard out of Carolina."
Clifton, Lucille (1996) (see also next entry)
Author: Lucille Clifton*
Interviewer: Quincy Troupe
Director: Dan Griggs/Media
time: 60 minutes
From the video jacket:
"Lucille Clifton, born in 1936, has published nine books of poetry including The Book of Light, Quilting, Next, and Ordinary Woman. Ms. Clifton, who has also written numerous children's books, received a 1996 Lannan Literary Award for Poetry. She read from The Book of Light and The Terrible Stories on May 21, 1996.
"Quincy Troupe has written five books of poetry including Avalanche, Weather Reports, and Snake-Back Solos. Mr. Troupe, who teaches at the University of California, San Diego, also wrote Miles: The Autobiography, with Miles Davis."
Clifton, Lucille--Volume II (2001) (see also previous entry)
Lucille Clifton*
Denise Chavez
Director: Thunder Road Productions
1 hour 14 minutes
From the video jacket:
"Lucille Clifton has published ten poetry books, including Blessing the Boats, winner of the National Book Award, The Book of Light, The Terrible Stories, Quilting, Next, and Good Times. Ms. Clifton has said, 'I've always been a person who found more interesting the stories between the stories. I've always wondered the hows and the whys to things. Why is this like this? What has gone into making us who we are? It is good or not so good? What is destroying us? What will keep us warm?' Ms. Clifton, who has also written numerous books for children, received a Lannan Literary Award for Poetry in 1996. She read on December 8, 1999."
"Denise Chavez's works include two novels, Loving Pedro Infante and Face of an Angel, a collection of stories, The Last of the Menu Girls, and 26 plays. Her honors include the 1995 New Mexico Governor's Award for Achievement in the Arts, as well as fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Rockefeller Foundation. Ms. Chavez lives in Las Cruces, New Mexico, where she serves as the artistic director of the Border Book Festival."
Creeley, Robert (1990)
Robert Creeley
Lewis MacAdams
Producers and Directors: Lewis MacAdams
and John Dorr Metropolitan
Pictures and EZTV
60 minutes
From the video jacket: "Robert Creeley, one of the most influential American poets of his generation, launched the Black Mountain poetry movement with Charles Olson. He has said, 'I write when no other act is possible.' He read from The Collected Poems of Robert Creeley, 1945-1975; Mirrors, Windows; and from work in progress on April 16, 1990. Lewis MacAdams interviewed Robert Creeley at the Lannan Foundation."
Cruz, Victor Hernández (1989)
Victor Hernández Cruz*
Lewis MacAdams
Producers and Directors: Lewis MacAdams and John Dorr Metropolitan
Pictures and EZTV
time: 60 minutes
From the video jacket: "Victor Hernández Cruz is a poet whose work has been influenced by the African, Indian, and Spanish cultures found in his native Puerto Rico. He read from Rhythm, Content and Flavor and By Lingual Wholes in Los Angeles on April 17, 1989. Victor Hernández Cruz talked to students at the Harvard School and was interviewed by poet Lewis MacAdams."
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