The William Van O'Connor Library
Doctoral Dissertations
Steve Howard Cassal
Dissertation Title: "'Honesty' in Shakespeare"
Year of Graduation: 2003
Edgar H. Castellini
Dissertation Title: "Henry Thoreau's Exaggerations: His Theory and Philosophy of Language"
Year of Graduation: 1991
Jean Balderson Cheney
Dissertation Title: "Daughters of the Earth: The Conception of Nature in the Writing of Four
American Women"
Year of Graduation: 1993
Kevin John Clark
Dissertation Title: "American Catharsis"
Year of Graduation: 1986
William Leon Coburn
Dissertation Title: "In Imitation of the Manner of Cervantes: Don Quixote and Joseph
Year of Graduation: 1969
William Joseph Collins
Dissertation Title: "Paths Not Taken: The Development, Structure, and Aesthetics of
Alternative History"
Year of Graduation: 1990
Christine Amanda Colon
Dissertation Title: "Convictions of the Heart: Religion, Morality, and Reform in the Works of
Joanna Baillie, Anne Brontė, and Adelaide Procter"
Year of Graduation: 2000
Richard Edward Compean
Dissertation Title: "Swift and The Lucianic Tradition"
Year of Graduation: 1976
Daniel Joseph Cook
Dissertation Title: "Orthodoxy and Aporia in the Victorian Narrative of Unconversion"
Year of Graduation: 2005
Marion Emma Cornell
Dissertation Title: "Frankenstein: The Other Side"
Year of Graduation: 1996
Laurel Ann Weeks Corona
Dissertation Title: "Man into Beast: The Theme of Transformation in American and European
Fiction from the 1860's to the 1920's"
Year of Graduation: 1982
Thomas Joseph Cousineau
Dissertation Title: "Imagination Dead Imagine: A Commentary on the Novels of Samuel
Year of Graduation: 1971
Diane Levine Cousineau
Dissertation Title: "Henry James and Virginia Woolf: A Comparative Study"
Year of Graduation: 1975
Karen Castellucci Cox
Dissertation Title: "Merging Fictions: Community, Memory, and the Twentieth Century Story
Year of Graduation: 1996
Ursula Margot Crabtree
Dissertation Title: "Facing the Bogeyman: A Comparative Study of the Motif of the Double in
the Novels of Saul Bellow and Gunter Grass"
Year of Graduation: 1978
Raymond Allen Craig
Dissertation Title: "The Stamp of the Word: The Poetics of Biblical Allusion in American
Puritan Poetry"
Year of Graduation: 1989
Steven Scott Curry
Dissertation Title: "The Literature of Loss: A Study of Nineteenth-Century English and
American Fiction"
Year of Graduation: 1976
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