The William Van O'Connor Library
Creative Writing Master's Theses
Joseph Lawrence Abbott, M.A. 1988
Thesis: State Fair and Other Stories (Short stories)
Thesis Committee: William Baker, Elliot Gilbert, Michael Hoffman
Lana Lea Abernathy , M.A. 1998
Thesis: Loving Sophie (Short stories)
Thesis Committee: Jack Hicks, Katherine Vaz, Elizabeth Davis
Guy Aengus, M.A. 1998
Thesis: Inheritance and Other Stories (Short stories)
Thesis Committee: Michael Hoffman, Katherine Vaz, Clarence Major
Alan Philip Albert, M.A. 1976
Thesis: The Alarm System (Poetry)
Thesis Committee: Sandra Gilbert, Elliot Gilbert, Alan Williamson
Crystal Anderson, M.A. 2008
Thesis: Strange Language (Poetry)
Thesis Committee: Alan Williamson, Joshua Clover, Sandra McPherson
Ellen K. Anderson, M.A. 1998
Thesis: The Discrepancies of Summer (Poetry)
Thesis Committee: Sandra McPherson, Alan Williamson, Gary Snyder
Jennifer Denise Anderson, M.A. 1994
Thesis: One Hundred Perfectly Happy Hours (Short stories)
Thesis Committee: Elizabeth Tallent, Clarence Major, Patricia Moran
Jodelle Renae Angel, M.A. 2003
Thesis: The History of Vegas (Short stories)
Thesis Committee: Pam Houston, Jack Hicks, Bishnu Ghosh
Francisco Aragon, M.A. 2000
Thesis: What Else Will I Recall/Qué Más Recordaré (Poetry)
Thesis Committee: Alan Williamson, Francisco Alarcon, James McElroy
Azin Arefi-Anbarani, M.A. 2002
Thesis: Stories in Pictures (Short stories)
Thesis Committee: Lynn Freed, Pam Houston, Michael Hoffman
Ingrid M. Arnesen, M.A. 1985
Thesis: First Snow (Poetry)
Thesis Committee: Sandra Gilbert, Marijane Osborn, David Robertson
Kate Elizabeth Asche, M.A. 2006
Thesis: Slantroof, Madonlin, Nightwalk (Poetry)
Thesis Committee: Alan Williamson, Sandra McPherson, Joe Wenderoth
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Doctoral Dissertation Collection Dissertations & Master's Theses
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