The William Van O'Connor Library

Doctoral Dissertations 2012


Sara Rene Anderson, Ph.D. 2012
Dissertation: Archives of Futurity: Prophetic Discourse Networks and the End of Race in the United States
Dissertation Committee: Colin Milburn (dir.), Evan Watkins, Mark Jerng

Sharada Balachandran Orihuela, Ph.D. 2012
Dissertation: From Flags to Freeways: Hemispheric Routes of Exchange, Marginalized Economies, and Liberal Rights
Dissertation Committee: Mark Jerng (co-dir.), Desireé Martin (co-dir.), Emilio Bejel

Jennifer T. Brock, Ph.D. 2012
Dissertation:You shall Go Home Again…”:  Narratives of Colonial Return from the Late Eighteenth through the Nineteenth Centuries
Dissertation Committee: Parama Roy (dir.), Catherine Robson, John Marx

Gina Marie Caison, Ph.D. 2012
Dissertation: Being, Feeling, and Seeing Red in the Native South
Dissertation Committee: Mark Jerng (dir.), Michael Wilson, Julia Coates

Valerie Ann Dennis, Ph.D. 2012
Dissertation: The Divine is in the Details: Changing Representations of God in Medieval and Early Modern English Drama
Dissertation Committee: Frances Dolan (dir.), Seeta Chaganti (co-dir.), Margaret Ferguson

Ryan Dennis Fong, Ph.D. 2012
Dissertation: Britannia’s Unruly Pages: Victorian Forms and Neo-Victorian Fiction
Dissertation Committee: Catherine Robson (Co-Chair), Parama Roy (Co-Chair), Elizabeth Freeman, David Simpson

Natalie Grand, Ph.D. 2012
Dissertation:Teaching the Turk, Teaching as the Turk: Female Characters as Tutors on the Early Modern English Stage
Dissertation Committee: Margaret Ferguson (dir.), Frances Dolan, Claire Waters

John Mac Kilgore, Ph.D. 2012
Dissertation: The Revival of Revolt: Enthusiasm and Event in U.S. Literature From The American Revolution To The Civil War
Dissertation Committee: David Simpson (dir.), Elizabeth Freeman, Hsuan Hsu

Mindi Rose McMann, Ph.D. 2012
Dissertation:Ethical States
Dissertation Committee: Scott Shershow (dir.), John Marx, Mark Jerng

Anna Pruitt, Ph.D 2012
Dissertation:  Shadow Patriarchs: Rogues, Witches, Bawds, and the Model of the Patriarchal Family in Jacobean Drama
Dissertation Committee: Frances Dolan (dir.), Margaret Ferguson, Gina Bloom

Lisa D. Sperber, Ph.D. 2012
Dissertation: The Poetic Relationship of Adrienne Rich, Jean Valentine and Jane Cooper
Dissertation Committee: Alan Williamson (dir.), Joanne Feit Diehl, Timothy Morton

Rachel Swinkin, Ph.D. 2012
Dissertation: The Limits of Sympathy: Animals and Sentimentality in Eighteenth-Century Literature and Culture, 1759-1810.
Dissertation Committee: Timothy Morton (dir.), David Simpson, Alessa Johns



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