The William Van O'Connor Library

Doctoral Dissertations 2011


Cynthia Claire Degnan, 2011
     Dissertation: The Nation’s Child: Sexuality, U.S. Nationalism, and Representations of the Child since the Cold War
     Dissertation Committee: Elizabeth Freeman (dir.), Colin Milburn, Mark Jerng

Courtney Lynn Hopf, 2011
     Dissertation: Story Networks: The Politics and Poetics of Mass Collaboration
     Dissertation Committee: Elizabeth Miller (dir.), Colin Milburn, Elizabeth Freeman

Jason Dunn, Ph.D. 2011
     Dissertation: Literacy, Pedagogy, and the Princely Reader in Mirrors for Princes of Late Medieval France and England
     Dissertation Committee:  Claire M. Waters (dir.), Margaret W. Ferguson, Seeta Chaganti

John Stanley Garrison, Ph.D. 2011
     Dissertation: Enriching Friendship: Representations of Profitable Amity from Chaucer to Milton
     Dissertation Committee: Margaret Ferguson (dir.), Frances Dolan, Claire Waters

Andrew Carl Hageman, Ph.D. 2011
     Dissertation: The Hour of the Machine: A New Look at an Old Topos
     Dissertation Committee:  Timothy Morton (dir.), Colin Milburn, Evan Watkins

Kristian Emblem Jensen, Ph.D. 2011
     Dissertation: The Birth of Literary Ethnography: Struggles with Anthropology in Antebellum America
     Dissertation Committee:  Michael Ziser (dir.), Mark Jerng, Inés Hernández-Avila

Doug Metzger, Ph.D. 2011
     Dissertation: Plots of Incline: American Local Color and Postbellum Philosophy
     Dissertation Committee: Beth Freeman (dir.), Michael Ziser, David Van Leer

Vanessa Lynn Rapatz, Ph.D. 2011
     Dissertation:  Neither This nor That: Convents and Novices in Early Modern English Problem Plays
     Dissertation Committee: Frances Dolan (dir.), Margaret Ferguson, Seeta Chaganti



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