The William Van O'Connor Library

Creative Writing Master's Theses 2009



Joseph Tanner Atkins, M.A. 2009                  

     Thesis:  The Antechamber We Call ESPRIT (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Joshua Clover, Lucy Corin, Alan Williamson

Melissa Chordas, M.A. 2009                  

     Thesis:  The World without Traveling (Fiction)

     Thesis Committee: Lucy Corin, Yiyun Li, David Van Leer

Tiffany Noel Denman, M.A. 2009 
     Thesis:  The Sandwich War (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Joshua Clover, Joe Wenderoth, Alan Williamson

Chris Erickson, M.A. 2009
     Thesis:  Henrytown (Fiction)

     Thesis Committee: Joe Wenderoth, Lucy Corin, Jack Hicks

Sarah Jane Hoagland, M.A. 2009                  
     Thesis: Gape: A Novel (Fiction)

     Thesis Committee: Pam Houston, Joe Wenderoth, John Marx

Uyen Tuong Hua, M.A. 2009        
     Thesis:  A/S/L [Age/Sex/Location] (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Joshua Clover, Gregory Dobbins, Yiyun Li

Maria Theresa Kochis, M.A. 2009
     Thesis:  Premonition (Fiction)

     Thesis Committee: Jack Hicks, Pam Houston, Lynn Freed

Carmen Lau, M.A. 2009                  

     Thesis: Nothing Has Changed About Me (Fiction)

     Thesis Committee: Lucy Corin, Pam Houston, Joe Wenderoth

Austin Smith, M.A. 2009                  

     Thesis: Almanac (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Alan Williamson, Joe Wenderoth, Pam Houston

Erin Steinke , M.A. 2009                  

     Thesis:  Foil (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Joshua Clover, Alan Williamson, Joe Wenderoth

Wendy Trevino , M.A. 2009                  

     Thesis:  In Turbulence (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Joshua Clover, Joe Wenderoth,Alan Williamson

Lauren Velevis , M.A. 2009                  

     Thesis:  Yours (Fiction)

     Thesis Committee: Pam Houston, Lucy corin, Brenda Schildgen

Elise Winn, M.A. 2009                  

     Thesis:  The Worry of Our Dreams (Fiction)

     Thesis Committee: Lucy Corin, Pam Houston, Yiyun Li








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