The William Van O'Connor Library

Doctoral Dissertations 2002

Jane Ellen Louise Beal, Ph.D. 2002               

     Dissertation: John Trevisa and the English Polychronicon: Authority and Vernacular Translation in Late-Medieval England

     Dissertation Committee: Marijane Osborn (dir), James Murphy, Emily Albu

Marta Kaye Beckman, Ph.D. 2002                 

     Dissertation: The Remains of the Victorian Gentleman in James, Conrad, and Wharton

     Dissertation Committee: Michael Hoffman (dir), Peter Hays, Karl Zender

Emily Blair, Ph.D. 2002                            

     Dissertation: Virginia Woolf and the Nineteenth-Century Domestic Aesthetic: Poetry the Wrong Side Out

     Dissertation Committee: Patricia Moran (dir), Catherine Robson, Elizabeth Langland

Michael Kenneth Borgstrom, Ph.D. 2002    

     Dissertation: Passing Fictions: Reading Identity in Nineteenth-Century America

     Dissertation Committee: David Van Leer (dir), Joanne Feit Diehl, Linda Morris

Lara Karine Gary, Ph.D. 2002                  

     Dissertation:   Motherlands: Re-imagining Maternal Function in Contemporary Women's Fiction

     Dissertation Committee: Joanne Fei Diehl (dir), Patricia Moran, Linda Morris

Jan Ellyn Goggans, Ph.D. 2002                  

     Dissertation:  The Shape of Community in the Visual West: Land, Water, and Women in the Work of Paul Taylor and Dorothea Lange

     Dissertation Committee: David Robertson (dir), Linda Morris, Cheryll Glotfelty

Paula Claire Harrington, Ph.D. 2002          

     Dissertation: American Dog: Figuring the Canine in American Literature

     Dissertation Committee: Sandra Gilbert (dir), Joanne Feit Diehl, Linda Morris

Kathleen Ann Heininge, Ph.D. 2002          

    Dissertation: "The Broth of a Boy": Manifestations of the Stage Irish Figure

    Dissertation Committee: Bill Worthen (dir), James McElroy, Nora McGuinness

Lynn Marie Wollstadt, Ph.D. 2002          

    Dissertation: Women and Ballads and Ballad Women: Gender and the History of Scottish Balladry (not currently shelved in O'Connor Library)

    Dissertation Committee: Marijane Osborn (dir), Armistead, Winfried Schleiner




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