The William Van O'Connor Library

Creative Writing Master's Theses 1996


Olivia Boler, M.A. 1996 

     Thesis: Year of the Smoke Girl (not currently shelved in O'Connor)

     Thesis Committee: Clarence Major, Gary Snyder, Sandra Gilbert

Andrea Lynn Carter, M.A. 1996             

     Thesis: Interference (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Sandra McPherson, Sandra Gilbert, Gary Snyder

Melissa Amy Clark, 1996 

     Thesis: Just Making Noise (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Elizabeth Tallent, Jack Hicks, Clarence Major

Judianne Cygnor, M.A. 1996            

     Thesis: Never Having Been to Naples (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Sandra McPherson, Sandra Gilbert, Gary Snyder

Robin Delman, M.A. 1996       

     Thesis: The Toymaker's Daughter (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Sandra McPherson, Alan Williamson, Sandra Gilbert                  

Lewis James DeSimone, M.A. 1996    

     Thesis: The Heart's History (Short stories)

     Thesis Committee: Elizabeth Tallent, David Van Leer, Clarence Major

Charlotte McGuinn Freeman, M.A. 1996     

     Thesis: Courting an Echo and Other Stories (Short stories)

     Thesis Committee: Elizabeth Tallent, Jack Hicks, William Baker     

Tamara Grippi, M.A. 1996 

     Thesis: Your Life Versus a TV Show (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Sandra McPherson, Alan Williamson, Gary Snyder

Charlotte Gullick, M.A. 1996             

     Thesis: What I Will Tell (Novel)

     Thesis Committee: Katherine Vaz, Luis Hernandez-Avila, David Robertson

Teri Ann Kanefield, M.A. 1996 

     Thesis: Signing (Novel)

     Thesis Committee: Elizabeth Tallent, Max Byrd, Clarence Major

Christopher Gabor Zygmunt Markus, M.A. 1996            

     Thesis: What Are You Going To Do Now, Smartguy? (Short stories)

     Thesis Committee: Jack Hicks, Katherine Vaz, Clarence Major               

Stephen McFeely, M.A. 1996  

     Thesis: Blood and Water (not currently shelved in O'Connor)

     Thesis Committee: Michael Hoffman, Katherine Vaz, Max Byrd

Susan Moriarty, M.A. 1996    

     Thesis: The Skin Magician (not currently shelved in O'Connor)

     Thesis Committee: Sandra McPherson, Sandra Gilbert, Gary Snyder  

Kolin James Masao Ohi, M.A. 1996       

     Thesis: A Backward Glance (Novel)

     Thesis Committee: Clarence Major, Gary Snyder, David Van Leer      

Catherine Anne Reavey , M.A. 1996

     Thesis: The Taste Is Sound (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Sandra McPherson, Gary Snyder, David Robertson

Samantha Tanit Schoech, M.A. 1996 

     Thesis: Reservations Required (Novel)

     Thesis Committee: Clarence Major, Katherine Vaz, Jack Hicks

Melissa S. Stein, M.A. 1996            

     Thesis: Through It Like Water (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Sandra McPherson, Sandra Gilbert, Gary Snyder

Erie Pearson Vitiello, M.A. 1996      

     Thesis: Letters South (Novel excerpt/Short stories)

     Thesis Committee: William Baker, Patricia Moran, Clarence Major             


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