The William Van O'Connor Library

Creative Writing Master's Theses 1994


Jennifer Denise Anderson, M.A. 1994 

     Thesis: One Hundred Perfectly Happy Hours (Short stories)

     Thesis Committee: Elizabeth Tallent, Clarence Major, Patricia Moran

John Beckman, M.A. 1994             

     Thesis: Covenant of Earthworms (Novel) (not currently shelved in O'Connor)

     Thesis Committee: Michael Hoffman, Clarence Major, Elizabeth Tallent

Julianne Chisholm, M.A. 1994 

     Thesis: Mom at the Breadboard at 4 a.m. (not currently shelved in O'Connor)

     Thesis Committee: Sandra McPherson, Alan Williamson, Sandra Gilbert

Rigoberto Gonzalez, M.A. 1994             

     Thesis: The Invention of Wings (not currently shelved in O'Connor)

     Thesis Committee: Sandra McPherson, Francisco Alarcon, Clarence Major

Lisa Catherine Harper, M.A. 1994       

     Thesis: Reading in the Dark (Short stories)

     Thesis Committee: Clarence Major, William Baker, Elizabeth Tallent                        

Erik Hennum, M.A. 1994    

     Thesis: Glass Hands (Novel)

     Thesis Committee: Elizabeth Tallent, William Baker, Alan Williamson

Matthew Thomas Mason, M.A. 1994     

     Thesis: The Thin Line Of What I Know (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Sandra McPherson, Sandra Gilbert, Alan Williamson

 David Merson, M.A. 1994

     Thesis: Into a More Real World (not currently shelved in O'Connor)

     Thesis Committee: Elizabeth Tallent, William Baker, Clarence Major

Vincent Lawrence Mowrey, M.A. 1994             

     Thesis: The Broken Man Is Singing (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Sandra McPherson, Alan Williamson, Clarence Major

Patricia Quintana, M.A. 1994    

     Thesis: Tunnel of Love (Short stories)

     Thesis Committee: Elizabeth Tallent, William Baker, Clarence Major

Chris Sindt, M.A. 1994    

     Thesis: Seeing White (not currently shelved in O'Connor)

     Thesis Committee: Sandra McPherson, Sandra Gilbert, Alan Williamson

Lisa Esther Yanover, M.A. 1994    

     Thesis: One Little Goat (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Alan Williamson, Sandra McPherson, Sandra Gilbert


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