The William Van O'Connor Library
Creative Writing Master's Theses 1992
Patrick Bell, M.A. 1992
Thesis: Stories from the Book of the Dead (not currently shelved in O'Connor)
Thesis Committee: Sandra McPherson, Gary Snyder, Sandra Gilbert
Elizabeth Binggeli, M.A. 1992
Thesis: Bone Fires (not currently shelved in O'Connor)
Thesis Committee: Elizabeth Tallent, William Baker, Jack Hicks
Julia Pearl Dubner, M.A. 1992
Thesis: We Meant F Only (Short stories)
Thesis Committee: Elizabeth Tallent, William Baker, Max Byrd
Jenyth Jo Gearhart, M.A. 1992
Thesis: The Landscape of Her Sorrow (Short stories)
Thesis Committee: Jack Hicks, Clarence Major, Elizabeth Tallent
Catherine Mary Girr, M.A. 1992
Thesis: Believe the Weeds (Poetry)
Thesis Committee: Sandra Gilbert, Gary Snyder, Alan Williamson
Michael David Ishii, M.A. 1992
Thesis: Deadpan (Poetry)
Thesis Committee: Sandra McPherson, Alan Williamson, Sandra Gilbert
Lisa Jeannette Maulhardt, M.A. 1992
Thesis: Close But Not Touching (Short stories)
Thesis Committee: Elizabeth Tallent, William Baker, Clarence Major
Lynn Marie Pieski, M.A. 1992
Thesis: The Momentum of Beauty (Short stories)
Thesis Committee: Elizabeth Tallent, Clarence Major, Alan Williamson
Linda Marie Riley, M.A. 1992
Thesis: The Renouncement (Short stories)
Thesis Committee: Elizabeth Tallent, Max Byrd, Jack Hicks
Michael Marc Shapiro, M.A. 1992
Thesis: First Instar Poems (Poetry)
Thesis Committee: Max Byrd, William Baker, Clarence Major
Kristin Steege, M.A. 1992
Thesis: The Heart of the Hiding (not currently shelved in O'Connor)
Thesis Committee: Alan Williamson, Sandra McPherson, Sandra Gilbert
Doctoral Dissertation Collection Dissertations & Master's Theses
Collections & Catalogues History Using the Library O'Connor Library English Department UC Davis