The William Van O'Connor Library

Creative Writing Master's Theses 1985-1989


Ingrid M. Arnesen, M.A. 1985              

     Thesis: First Snow (Poetry)

    Thesis Committee: Sandra Gilbert, Marijane Osborn, David Robertson

Lynda Suzanne Felder, M.A. 1985                

     Thesis: The Fisherman's Wife (Novel)

     Thesis Committee: Robert Wiggins, Jack Hicks, William Baker

Merri Lisa Formento, M.A. 1985      

     Thesis: Tule Fires (Novel)

     Thesis Committee: Jack Hicks, Karl Zender, William Baker

Russell Howard Holder, M.A. 1985               

     Thesis: Echolocation (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Karl Shapiro, Karl Zender, Sandra Gilbert

Mary Louise Hower, M.A. 1985        

     Thesis: The Flat Land (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Alan Williamson, Karl Shapiro, Sandra Gilbert

Gary Paul Konas, M.A. 1985     

     Thesis: Stages and Stories (Drama/Short stories)

     Thesis Committee: Max Byrd, Jack Hicks, William Baker

Barbara Jean Lowry, M.A. 1985              

     Thesis: A Novel: Sugar and Spice (Novel)

    Thesis Committee: William Baker, Karl Zender, Elliot Gilbert

Sarah-Hope Parmeter, M.A. 1985                

     Thesis: Naming the Angels (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Karl Shapiro, Marijane Osborn, Sandra Gilbert

Naomi Schwartz , M.A. 1985      

     Thesis: Night Moves (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Alan Williamson, Sandra Gilbert, Elliot Gilbert

Scott Reid Serkes, M.A. 1985               

     Thesis: Off The Diving Board (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Sandra Gilbert, Karl Shapiro, Alan Williamson

Sharon Ardith Waechter, M.A. 1985        

     Thesis: Dancing in Circles (Short stories)

     Thesis Committee: William Baker, Karl Zender, Elliot Gilbert

Denise Ann Wunibald, M.A. 1985     

     Thesis: The Push and Pull of It (Short stories)

     Thesis Committee: William Baker, Elliot Gilbert, Alan Williamson      

Alan H. Zeitlin, M.A. 1985     

     Thesis: What was Done With Othello and Other Stories (Short stories)

     Thesis Committee: Robert Wiggins, William Baker, Peter Hays  



Michael Alan Korson, M.A. 1986             

     Thesis: Daily Payments (Poetry)

    Thesis Committee: Alan Williamson, Sandra McPherson, Elliot Gilbert

Victoria Lynn Mamin, M.A. 1986                

     Thesis: Inhabiting the Garden (Novel)

     Thesis Committee: Thomas Hanzo, Alan Williamson, William Baker

Carlos Rodriguez, M.A. 1986      

     Thesis: Recognition (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Sandra McPherson, Alan Williamson, Elliot Gilbert

John Philip Rosewall, M.A. 1986               

     Thesis: Ruins (Short stories)

     Thesis Committee: William Baker, Jack Hicks, David Robertson

Charles Wheeler, M.A. 1986        

     Thesis: Snakewalk (Novel)

     Thesis Committee: Jack Hicks, William Baker, Marijane Osborn

Leonore Marie Wilson, M.A. 1986     

     Thesis: Without Choice (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Sandra McPherson, Alan Williamson, William Baker



Douglas Broyles, M.A. 1987             

     Thesis: In the Teenage Vehicle (Novel)

    Thesis Committee: Jack Hicks, Robert Wiggins, Michael Hoffman

Scott Allen Campbell, M.A. 1987                

     Thesis: Who's Who (Novel)

     Thesis Committee: Diane Johnson, Sandra McPherson, William Baker

Susan Pamela Edwards, M.A. 1987      

     Thesis: Migrations (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Sandra McPherson, Gary Snyder, Alan Williamson

Gillian Clare Gard Kendall, M.A. 1987               

     Thesis: Learning American (Short stories)

     Thesis Committee: Jack Hicks, William Baker, Diane Johnson

David Norling, M.A. 1987       

     Thesis: Opium Weather (Short stories)

     Thesis Committee: William Baker, Elliot Gilbert, Jack Hicks

Timothy Ernest Palethorpe, M.A. 1987     

     Thesis: Sins Of The Son (Novel)

     Thesis Committee: Jack Hicks, Max Byrd, Peter Hays

Stuart Edwin Pierce, M.A. 1987       

     Thesis: A Black Sheep and Other Stories (Short stories)

     Thesis Committee: William Baker, Jack Hicks, Diane Johnson

Janine Louise Schenone, M.A. 1987     

     Thesis: Improvisations (Novel)

     Thesis Committee: Karl Zender, Jack Hicks, Alan Williamson



Joseph Lawrence Abbott, M.A. 1988      

     Thesis: State Fair and Other Stories (Short stories)

     Thesis Committee: William Baker, Elliot Gilbert, Michael Hoffman

Jan Delayne Barber, M.A. 1988               

     Thesis: Narrative Changes (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Gary Snyder, Sandra McPherson, Alan Williamson

Elizabeth Anne Durbin, M.A. 1988       

     Thesis: Rich in Clay (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Sandra McPherson, Alan Williamson, Gary Snyder

Brian Knave, M.A. 1988     

     Thesis: Between the Lights (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Alan Williamson, Sandra McPherson, Gary Snyder

Janina Lynne, M.A. 1988       

     Thesis: A Bed in the Street and Other Poems (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Alan Williamson, Sandra McPherson, Michael Hoffman

David Richard Masiel, M.A. 1988     

     Thesis: Flatland (Novel)

     Thesis Committee: Jack Hicks, Diane Johnson, William Baker

Joan Adelle McChesney, M.A. 1988               

     Thesis: The Next Best Thing (Short stories)

     Thesis Committee: William Baker, Linda Morris, Robert Wiggins

Charles L. Post, M.A. 1988       

     Thesis: The Suits We Dress Our Hearts In (Novel)

     Thesis Committee: Max Byrd, Jack Hicks, William Baker

Laurence Michael Sherman, M.A. 1988     

     Thesis: The Stone's Story (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Alan Williamson, Gary Snyder, David Robertson

Joan Maureen Stockbridge, M.A. 1988       

     Thesis: A Dream of Fruitfulness (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Gary Snyder, Sandra McPherson, Alan Williamson

Robert Clark Young, M.A. 1988     

     Thesis: Green River (Novel)

     Thesis Committee: Jack Hicks, William Baker, Elliot Gilbert



Sara Backer, M.A. 1989     

     Thesis: Godzilla and the Creosote Women (Short stories)

     Thesis Committee: Jack Hicks, Robert Wiggins, Peter Hays

Sara L. Dawson, M.A. 1989               

     Thesis: Dime-White Air (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Sandra McPherson, Gary Snyder, Alan Williamson

Richard Dean Drager, M.A. 1989       

     Thesis: Max Golly (Novel)

     Thesis Committee: Max Byrd, Jack Hicks, Peter Hays

Theresa Marie Love, M.A. 1989     

     Thesis: Things That Can't Be Said (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Sandra McPherson, Gary Snyder, Alan Williamson

Brian Theodore McClure, M.A. 1989       

     Thesis: Spew And Other Observations (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee:Sandra McPherson, Gary Snyder, William Baker

Gregg Rugolo, M.A. 1988     

     Thesis: Reason to Suspect (Poetry)

     Thesis Committee: Sandra McPherson, Gary Snyder, David Robertson


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