The William Van O'Connor Library

Doctoral Dissertations


Candace Hull Taylor , Ph. D. 2007

     Dissertation: "A prudent feruentnesse or a feruent prudence": Reading Prudence in Classical, Patristic and Medieval Texts

     Dissertation Committee: Claire Waters (dir), Margaret Ferguson, Seeta Chaganti

Douglas Hanson Taylor, Ph.D. 1966

     Dissertation: John Wise and the Development of American Prose Style

     Dissertation Committee:        

Debra Kaye Teachman, Ph.D. 1990

     Dissertation: Expectation and Inheritance: The Moral Economy of Jane Austen's Fiction

     Dissertation Committee: Robert Hopkins (dir), Peter Hays

Ann Elizabeth ter Haar, Ph.D. 1995

     Dissertation: Migrancy in the Making: From Expatriate Modernism to Postcolonial Cosmopolitanism

     Dissertation Committee: Sandra Gilbert (dir), Michael Hoffman, Robert Torrance

David Wayne Thomas, Ph.D. 1996

     Dissertation: Critical Positions: Oscar Wilde and the Subject of Literature

     Dissertation Committee: Peter Dale (dir), Sandra Gilbert, Michael Hoffman

James Glenn Tipton, Ph.D. 1987

     Dissertation: Sacramental Moments in the Poetry of Kenneth Rexroth

     Dissertation Committee: David Robertson (dir), Jack Hicks, Gary Snyder

Dominick Tracy, Ph.D. 2003                            

     Dissertation: Conditioning Ireland: Nineteenth-Century Irish Nationalism and the Rise of the Novel

     Dissertation Committee: Catherine Robson (dir), Lloyd, David Simpson

Stephanie Tucker, Ph.D. 1984

     Dissertation: To Mean So Much: Harold Pinter's Stratagems of Resonance

     Dissertation Committee: Ruby Cohn (dir), Norma Landau, Arthur McGuinness


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