The William Van O'Connor Library

Lannan Video Catalogue

An asterisk (*) following the name of the author indicates that the artist is also featured in the video Where Poems Come From, filed under the letter "W."


Jen, Gish (2001)

        * Author:                                   Gish Jen

        * Interviewer:                            Don Lee

        * Director:                                 Thunder Road Productions

        * Running time:                         1 hour 20 minutes

From the video jacket:

"Gish Jen is the author of a collection of stories, Who's Irish? and two novels, Typical American and Mona in the Promised Land. Ms. Jen was raised in Scarsdale, New York, and was educated at Harvard College and the University of Iowa Writers' Workshop. Ms. Jen received a Lannan Literary Award in 1999. She read on March 1, 2000."

"Don Lee is the author of a collection of stories, Yellow. He is also the editor of the acclaimed literary journal Ploughshares."


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