The William Van O'Connor Library

Doctoral Dissertations


William David Haggerty, Jr., Ph.D. 1977

     Dissertation: Entangled Absalom: A Critical Study of Wyndham Lewis as Modernist and Satirist

     Disseration Committee: Brom Weber (dir), Robert Hopkins, Michael Hoffman

Cecelia Halbert, Ph.D. 1968

     Dissertation: The Art of the Lords Remembrancers: A Study of New England Puritan Histories

     Dissertation Committee: James Woodress (dir), Brom Weber, Robert Wiggins

Andrea Gale Hammer, Ph.D. 1981

     Dissertation: Recitations of the Past: Identity in Novels by Edith Wharton, Ellen Glasgow, and Carson McCullers

     Dissertation Committee: John Hayden (dir), William Baker, Sandra Gilbert

Quentin Webster Hancock, Ph.D. 2003            

     Dissertation: From Conviction to Recreation: Earth First!, Friends of the Los Angeles River and the Culture of American Environmentalism

     Dissertation Committee: David Robertson (dir), Robert Thayer, Alessa Johns, Michael Hoffman

William Stanley Haney, II, Ph.D. 1984

     Dissertation: The Theory Of The Referent

     Dissertation Committee: Thomas Hanzo (dir), Michael Hoffman, David Robertson

Kerry Hanlon, Ph.D. 2004         

     Dissertation: Antigone’s wake: The Legacy of Live Burial in Victorian Literature (not currently shelved in O'Connor Library)

     Dissertation Committee: Catherine Robson (dir), Seth Schein, Sandra Gilbert, Margaret Ferguson

Richard Trent Hansen, Ph.D. 1994

     Dissertation: Common Sense and The American Way: A Study in the Rhetoric of Consensus Ideology

     Dissertation Committee: Michael Hoffman (dir), Peter Hays, Jack Hicks

Carolyn Hares-Stryker, Ph.D. 1990

     Dissertation: Sleeping in the Midst of the Sea: The Motif of the Heroine Adrift in Medieval Romance

     Dissertation Committee: Daniel Silvia (dir), James Murphy, Winfried Schleiner

Lisa Catherine Harper, Ph.D. 1998

     Dissertation: Embodying Gender: The Politics of Form in American Literature, 1850-1900 (missing)

     Dissertation Committee:

Paula Claire Harrington, Ph.D. 2002          

     Dissertation: American Dog: Figuring the Canine in American Literature

     Dissertation Committee: Sandra Gilbert (dir), Joanne Feit Diehl, Linda Morris

Walter Lee Harrison, Ph.D. 1980

     Dissertation: Out of Play: Baseball Fiction from Pulp to Art

     Dissertation Committee: Jack Hicks (dir), James Woodress, Michael Hoffman

Mary Elizabeth Hart  , Ph.D. 1969

     Dissertation: The Peers and Prelates Among Jonathan Swift's "Distinguished Friends Living and Dead

     Dissertation Committee: Robert Hopkins (dir), Arthur McGuinness, Thomas Hanzo

Sally Elizabeth Peltier Harvey, Ph.D. 1992

     Dissertation: Willa Cather: Redefining the American Dream

     Dissertation Committee: Karl Zender (dir), James Woodress, Peter Hays

Burton Norval Hatlen, Ph.D. 1971

     Dissertation: The Snake in the Garden: Milton's Comus as Pastoral

     Dissertation Committee: Linda Van Norden (dir), Lindsay Mann, Thomas Hanzo

Janice Hawes, Ph.D. 2004                             

     Dissertation:  Monsters, Heroes and Social Identity in Medieval Icelandic and English Literature

     Dissertation Committee: Marijane Osborne (dir), Michael Hoffman, Emily Albu

Kathleen Ann Heininge, Ph.D. 2002          

    Dissertation: "The Broth of a Boy": Manifestations of the Stage Irish Figure

    Dissertation Committee: Bill Worthen (dir), James McElroy, Nora McGuinness

Eileen Hermann-Miller, Ph.D. 1998

     Dissertation: Eugene O'Neill: The Misprized Modernist

     Dissertation Committee: Peter Hays (dir), Seth Schein, Gail Finney

Onnaca Heron, Ph.D. 2005                           

     Dissertation: The Design of Aemilia Lanyer's Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum (not currently shelved in O'Connor Library)

     Dissertation Committee: Margaret Ferguson (dir), Traill, Raymond Waddington

Scott Robert Herring, Ph.D. 2001                

     Dissertation: Painted Deserts: The Literature and Art of America's National Parks

     Dissertation Committee: David Robertson (dir), Gary Snyder, Marijane Osborne

Kathleen Maida Hewitt, Ph.D. 1986

     Dissertation: Chaucer's Literary Dreams: Allegories of Origin

     Dissertation Committee: Marijane Osborn (dir), Thomas Hanzo, Winfried Schleiner

John Harger Hillis, Ph.D. 1977

     Dissertation: Conrad's Exoticism

     Dissertation Committee: Elliot Gilbert (dir), Diane Johnson Murray, Michael Hoffman

John Roger Holdstock, Ph.D. 1972

     Dissertation: The Origins of Subversive Literature in English

     Dissertation Committee: Daniel Silvia (dir), Linda Van Norden

Carlton Thomas Holte, Ph.D. 1977

     Dissertation: Taming the Rock: Myth, Model, and Metaphor in the Novels of Anthony Burgess

     Disseration Committee: Brom Weber (dir), Jack Hicks, Michael Hoffman

Jane Honeycutt, Ph.D. 1986

     Dissertation: Letters of H. M. and H. H. Brackenridge in the Pittsburgh Archives, 1796-1868

     Dissertation Committee: Brom Weber (dir), Robert Wiggins, Wayne Harsh

Jennifer Michelle Hoofard, Ph.D. 2006

     Dissertation: Flesh Wounds: Reading the Scar as Text in the Work of Sylvia Plath, Margaret Atwood and Toni Morrison

     Disseration Committee: Joanne Feit Diehl (dir), Sandra Gilbert, Elizabeth Freeman

Barbara Jane Hotchkiss, Ph.D. 1997

     Dissertation: Nature's Nurture: Imagining the Wild Child in the Nineteenth Century

     Dissertation Committee: Alan Williamson (dir), Catherin Robson, Gail Finney

Jessica May Howell , Ph.D. 2007

     Dissertation: Under the Weather: Disease, Race and Climate in Victorian Tales of Travel

     Dissertation Committee: Catherine Robson (dir), Bishnu Ghosh, Michael Ziser, Faith Fitzgerald

Mark Thomas Hoyer, Ph.D. 1995

     Dissertation: Dancing Ghosts: Mary Austin's Synthesis of Native American and Biblical Mythologies

     Dissertation Committee: David Robertson (dir), Michael Kramer, Steven Crum

Kathleen Hulley, Ph.D. 1973

     Dissertation: Disintegration as Symbol of Community: A Study of The Rainbow, Women in Love, Light in August, Prisoner of Grace, Except the Lord, Not Honor More, and Herzog

     Disseration Committee: Thomas Hanzo (dir), Michael Hoffman, Elliot Gilbert

Hoon-Sung Hwang, Ph.D. 1991

     Dissertation: One Mirror Is "Not Enough": A Study of Reflexivity in Beckett's Drama

     Dissertation Committee: Ruby Cohn (dir), William Kleb, Michael Hoffman


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